Our Vision:
The vision of SWISS UMEF is to maintain its position as the first choice of excellence in its field.
Provide higher education in an environment that focuses on all dimensions of applied learning–knowledge, understanding, skills, behaviours, values and attitudes.
Create and disseminate knowledge regarding important issues through published research, innovative learning experiences and involvement with the constituents we serve.
Serve society through an independent exchange of ideas and practices.
Based on Swiss values, SWISS UMEF contributes to sustainable societal development through the exchange of knowledge.
Our values include respect for the individual, diversity, knowledge and thinking modes.
We fight against all forms of discrimination - ethnic, religious, social, sexual or otherwise. This applies to both the accomplishment of teaching and completing research tasks as well as to relationships within SWISS UMEF.
The quality assurance strategic plan details how SWISS UMEF will maintain its vision to be the first choice of excellence while detailing what this concept embraces.